Did you know that LASIK is actually more affordable than a lifetime of eyewear? While they want to see the world without glasses or contacts, many people hold off due to what they believe is an increased cost.
However, it turns out that laser eye surgery is not only an excellent decision for your eyes but also your wallet. Keep reading to find out how LASIK saves you money!
Consider How Much You Spend on Eyewear
Have you ever added up how much you spend on your eyewear in a single year? The average person with less than perfect vision spends hundreds of dollars a year on glasses, contacts, and eyewear-related accessories.
That means you could wind up spending tens of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime! Think of all the repeated costs you have to incur to maintain your vision.
Your eye doctor may recommend that you get a new pair of glasses every one to three years. If your prescription changes or you damage your glasses, this can be even more frequent.
In addition, some people like to have different options to choose from to best suit a particular look. Don’t just think of buying new frames or contacts.
Your expenses could include contact solution, cases, prescription sunglasses, and so much more. Unfortunately, it is not a simple matter of buying the eyewear itself.
You also have to pay these costs with your time. There are trips to the doctor’s office to update your prescription, to the pharmacy to refill on contact solution or another needed item, and to online stores to order new contacts or glasses.
When you look at it this way, you realize that you are spending more money than you even realize on your vision. This opens up the door for you to choose an option that actually saves you money instead of being locked into continuously spending money on your eyewear.
LASIK Pays For Itself
Instead of a lifetime of repeated expenses, LASIK is a one-time investment you make in your vision. There are no accessories, cleaning supplies, or anything else needed.
You can wake up and see, and no add-ons are required. As a permanent vision correction procedure, you will no longer have to worry about taking extra steps in order to see clearly.
In addition to this newfound convenience, you will also receive some money back in your pocket. In just a few short years, laser eye surgery will begin to pay for itself.
That is quite the return on your investment, which will continue to pay off for the rest of your years. You won’t have to spend hundreds of dollars annually on your vision needs anymore.
You can put that money towards other things you need, or use it to do something fun like taking a trip. Whatever you choose, you will be able to enjoy dramatically improved vision in addition to saving money.
Are you ready to make a wise financial decision for the future of your eye health? Schedule an appointment at Rosenthal Eye Surgery and Fifth Avenue EyeCare in Long Island, NY, today to determine if you’re a good candidate for LASIK.