New York Contact Lens

Fifth Avenue EyeCare & Rosenthal Eye Surgery provides complete examinations, fitting and follow up for patients who choose contact lenses as an alternative to eyeglasses. From disposable contact lenses to highly specialized, made-to-measure, gas-permeable and soft lenses, our practice offers a wide selection of contact lenses in many different materials to meet your eye care needs. We have many years of experience in the contact lens field, and are happy to advise all patients on their suitability.
Contact lenses can be used to correct a variety of vision disorders such as Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Astigmatism, and Presbyopia (poor focusing for near vision tasks), and other eye disorders.
Contact lenses are the number one choice for many people with vision correction needs. For most, contact lenses provide flexibility and convenience. There are many different lenses available for a variety of needs and preferences. We provide our patients with the most advanced contact lenses available including; daily disposable, bifocal, rigid gas permeable, Toric, custom and keratoconic lenses.
Contact Lens Examination and Fitting
You need to visit our eye doctor to be examined and fitted* for contact lenses. Our doctor will give you a complete eye examination, along with an evaluation of your suitability for contact lens wear. Additional tests and measurements will be taken and are important for making sure that your contact lenses fit correctly and are comfortable. Our optometrist has special training in the latest contact lens fitting techniques including the use of specialty lenses such as multifocal lenses.
*Please note, there is an additional charge a for contact lens fitting.
After you are fitted for your contact lenses, you will receive instruction how to put your lenses in and out of your eyes and in the safe care and usage of your new lenses. Follow up appointments will be made with your doctor to ensure proper fitting and comfort. From evaluation, fitting and through your aftercare, you will receive professional, personalized treatment to help you adapt to your new contact lenses.
Contact lens wearers need to have regular eye examinations to reduce the risk of complications from eye infections. At Fifth Avenue EyeCare & Rosenthal Eye Surgery, our doctors have great expertise and years of experience in bringing the best contact lens technologies available for their patient’s specific needs.