LASIK vision correction is the leading refractive error correction procedure in the world. It can correct lifelong vision problems.
The conditions it treats are astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. If you have any of these, LASIK can get rid of them forever, giving you excellent vision free of glasses or contacts.
Keep reading to learn more about LASIK and find out how it works!
What is LASIK?
LASIK is a permanent vision correction procedure. It uses two lasers to reshape your cornea to give you clear vision.
It is a suitable treatment for the common refractive errors that result from a misshapen cornea. An improper cornea shape causes light to get focused improperly in your eye.
A misshapen cornea focuses light in front of or behind your retina. Or, if you have astigmatism, it scatters the light inside your eye.
If your cornea is too flat, round, or irregularly shaped, LASIK smooths it out and gives it a more uniform shape. This reshaping allows it to focus light directly on your retina, giving you sharp sight.
How Does LASIK Work?
The LASIK process begins with numbing your eyes using anesthetic eye drops. Once these drops take effect, the procedure can begin.
The first step your surgeon takes is to use a laser to create a three-dimensional map of your eye. This map guides them through the rest of the procedure.
Next, using the map, your surgeon creates a flap in the top layer of your cornea. They pull this flap off the middle layers of corneal tissue so they can reshape it.
Once the mid-layers of the cornea are accessible, they use a second laser to remove tiny bits of tissue. The images of your eye tell them how much tissue to remove from specific spots on your cornea.
After the reshaping, they replace the flap, and you go home to rest and recover.
What is LASIK Recovery Like?
The recovery process from LASIK is straightforward. It begins with a follow-up appointment the day after the procedure. This appointment ensures everything went well and your flap is in the proper position.
Within a few days, your eyesight should dramatically improve. Although, it can take up to six months for it to fully recover.
But, often, within hours of the procedure, your vision is better than it ever has been. For the first month after getting LASIK, you need to avoid strenuous activity and body contact.
Too hard an impact could knock your flap loose, which could cause complications. But, after that month, you can go about your life as you did with glasses and contacts.
But of course, you will no longer need visual aids. And, your eyesight will be better than it ever was when wearing glasses or contacts.
With glasses and contacts, your eyesight is slightly distorted from the lenses. After LASIK, your vision gets handled by your eyes and your eyes only.
This independence results in crisper, clearer vision than contacts or glasses can provide. While visual aids help you get through the day, nothing compares to the eyesight your eyes provide.
Does visual freedom sound good? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Rosenthal Eye Surgery and Fifth Avenue EyeCare in Great Neck, NY, to see if you qualify for this life-changing procedure!